Crich - Tramathon 2008

It got busy early - this was the queue at 0950 - BEFORE the computers crashed in the entrance!

Chesterfield 7 was first to Town End..........

.......... and was duly ticked off the "to do" list!

Blackpool 40 was one of the few bogie cars permitted past Wakebridge.........

............. pictured here heading for Glory Mine.

I still think it's something of a pity that Jo'burg 60 still doesn't carry it's Apartheid - era labels - it's part of the car's latter history (from 1948, when it was introduced) and of world history.

The car that started it all...............

Heading up to Glory Mine on Sheffield 74

By the time I got back down to Town End, there were a FEW more cars in service..............

74 comes under the bridge

A detail from Leeds 180

180 and 22 at Wakebridge

1622 made it out - the first time in service in over 2 years.

Anyone else know that this is for? (answer at the bottom of the page)

It was getting rather busier by now............

Don't you just LOVE it when somebody walks in front of you??

Erlich, the Access Tram was another one on the "To do" list - it only did one run!

I did get into the Museum, to catch up with old friends Derby 1............

.......... and Leicester 76

Oporto 273 was another tram restricted to "Wakebridge Only" but the rattan seating was very comfortable!


166 emerged briefly, but wasn't in service because the paint job wasn't finished.

A detail from Leeds 399

22 heads off for Glory Mine.........

......... as 1622 came down on the electric brake.

The "Mystery Item" above was a tester for coins - the width of the slots correspond to the thickness of coins.



Page Created on 8th June 2008